Annually, over 65 billion animals are killed for food, and 40-50 million animals are killed for their fur. Public concern for the physical and psychological well-being of these creatures has helped regulate the industry, but “ethical treatment” standards still vary country by country.  The use of crates, for example – small cages designed to virtually immobilize the animals inside them – is still widely practiced outside of Europe. In many cases, meat production methods pose health risks for consumers. Additionally, evidence increasingly shows that the human appetite for meat is a driving force behind nearly every major category of environmental damage. Because meat production accounts for nearly a fifth of global greenhouse gas emissions, the UN suggests that the developed world cut its meat consumption by 50% per person by the year 2050.  Others advocate mindful meat eating.


Animal Welfare

By: PeerSpring

From family pets and farmed animals to wild animals and species yet to be discovered, countless creatures are influenced by our everyday activities and consumption. Though it’s common to use animals for such purposes as food, clothing, research, ritual and entertainment, these practices meet criticism for the harm caused to animals. Human degradation of wild habitats is another major problem for animal populations, as they depend on these natural resources for survival. While many people contend ethical and emotional reasons for animal protection, it’s clear that animal welfare and human welfare are deeply linked.

pet homelessness


Nearly half of all animals brought to shelters are euthanized because there is a lack of space and people willing to adopt.

hunting + poaching

By: PeerSpring

The survival of different wild animals can come under serious threat due to increased hunting, poaching, corruption and illegal trafficking. The Department of Environmental Affairs has been debating whether the legalization of trade in endangered species would heighten or hinder hunting quotas.

habitat destruction

By: PeerSpring

Some scientists have asserted that a majority of all vertebrates, including fish, birds, amphibians, reptiles and mammals, have been wiped out as a direct result of human intervention. The destruction of animal habitats in many regions of the world has particularly had an array of negative impacts.

animal cruelty

By: PeerSpring

For the shocking number of animal cruelty cases that are reported each day, there are too many that go unreported.

animals in entertainment

By: PeerSpring

As many as 550,000 animals are in captivity at wildlife entertainment venues worldwide.

animal testing

By: PeerSpring

As many as 27,000 animals are still subjected to cruel testing practices by at least 250 cosmetic brands according to recent research.



With the global population more than 7-billion, the variety of plants and animals levels have fallen, suggesting governments have failed to ensure biodiversity on their lands and in their waters.

trafficking + breeding


Exotic animals sold as "pets" often suffer from malnutrition and loneliness. From capture to confinement, these creatures undergo situations of enormous stress which can lead to poor health and death.